Design Templates
Components are combined to create templates. These templates are a starting point for planning, designing and developing great web experiences. Components can be added or removed within these templates to meet the needs of the user. Each of these templates has a mix of components and utilities put to use in a way that demonstrates how BUX can be implemented in an effective, mobile-friendly webpage.
Adobe XD components and templates files
Rapidly prototype web pages utilizing Buckeye UX styles and terminology that developers will understand. The BUX files for Adobe XD contain components and several common templates to help you get started.
Download Adobe XD design components fileDownload Adobe XD design templates fileBlank page
Required global components with a blank content column for a starting point to creating a new template
Landing page
Large imagery, spacious typography and clear actions for a home page, campaign, and section index page
Details page
Long-form text, images and other components for basic information and detailed content
Cards List page
Displays a list of Cards as entry points into related subjects or other pages, such as research areas
Story List page
Displays a list of Cards as entry points into news articles, stories or other accounts of events and experiences
Story page
Long-form narrative, imagery, calls-to-action and the opportunity to read more news articles or stories
Person List page
Displays a list of people with contact details and an optional headshot for faculty/staff directories
Person page
Contact details, headshot and optional details about a person for faculty/staff profiles or conference speaker
Event List page
Displays Cards of events in a scannable format; allows the user to toggle between list view and grid view
Event page
Event details, clear calls-to-action, contact info and the opportunity to see more upcoming events
Form page
A group of input elements that allows users to enter data into a simple, single-step form