Using a consistent set of icons helps establish a familiar look and feel across a site or service, while using individual icons consistently establishes a reliable relationship between the icon and a specific concept or action. For example, don’t use an envelope icon to indicate email on one page and mailing address on another. Users should be able to trust that a certain icon always means the same thing, no matter where it’s used on your site. It’s important that icons always serve a single functional purpose throughout a site or service.
Dos- Use icons to add visual emphasis or interest, signal an action, or indicate a feedback state
- Pair an icon with a text label or copy to ensure clarity, overcome ambiguity and improve accessibility
- Use icons consistently to represent the same concept when appearing in multiple places in the same user interaction
- Display UI icons at 24x24px, when possible
- When possible, icons color should be scarlet (
) on a light background, with the exception icons for Social Media Links in the Site Footer, which are gray-dark-80 (#212325
)- If using scarlet is an issue, choose a gray from Ohio State’s Primary Colors
- If an icon needs to reflect a status, such as success, warning or error messaging, choose the appropriate color from Ohio State’s Utility Colors
- Align to BUX patterns by using the following icons paired with interactions:
- Bars: use for a menu on a mobile device
- Carets: use in a dropdown, such as a dropdown menu; or dropdown input field
- Chevrons: use in user controls, such as previous/next buttons; a component that expand, such as an Accordion; or a call-to-action, such as a Text Link
- Dots: use for utilities on a mobile device
- Eye: use to represent “password”, such as in a password input field
- Jump: use for a shortcut to take the user to either the top or bottom of a webpage
- Search: reserved for a search input field
Don’ts- Don’t modify the design of an icon
- If you need an icon that is not shown, follow Brand Center icon standards and icon creation guide or contact Office of Marketing and Communications to have it created and/or approved for the icon library
- Don’t depict icons in Ohio State’s accent colors. Only use Ohio State’s primary colors.
- An exception to this rule is that icons displayed within Alerts or Utility Colors to indicate a status
- Don’t rely on hover or click-to-reveal text labels
Implementation NotesTo use via the css content property on a before or after selector, set the font-family to bux-icons and reference the character's hexidecimal value. For example:
.some-class::before {
font-family: bux-icons;
content: "\f001";
To use as an html element use the following structure: <i class="icon icon-chevron-left"></i>
Accessibility- Make sure the color of the icon meets or exceeds a color contrast ratio of 4:5:1 to background elements
- When using an icon within a call-to-action, such as a Button, the touch target needs to be 44px or larger to meet accessibility standards
- Accessible Icons
- Best Practices for accessible icons
References- Ohio State brand guidelines: Icons
- Icon guide for creating and sharing Ohio State icons