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CTA Collection

Component status:Ready
Displays two or more calls-to-action that appear in a row

A CTA Collection provides high emphasis – for the primary, most important, or most common actions among content. An icon can provide meaning or clarification when paired with a CTA. However, it is not required. All icons are hidden on mobile devices.



<div class="bux-cta-collection">
<a class="bux-cta-collection__link" href=#>
Ipsum Dolar
<a class="bux-cta-collection__link" href=#>
<a class="bux-cta-collection__link" href=#>
Curabitur libero
<a class="bux-cta-collection__link" href=#>
Nulla rutrum nulla

With UI Icons#

<div class="bux-cta-collection bux-cta-collection--icons">
<a class="bux-cta-collection__link" href=#>
<span class="icon icon-graph-pie" aria-hidden="true"></span>
Ipsum Dolar
<a class="bux-cta-collection__link" href=#>
<span class="icon icon-user" aria-hidden="true"></span>
<a class="bux-cta-collection__link" href=#>
<span class="icon icon-envelope" aria-hidden="true"></span>
Curabitur libero
<a class="bux-cta-collection__link" href=#>
<span class="icon icon-graph-pie" aria-hidden="true"></span>
Nulla rutrum nulla

With Standard Icons#

<div class="bux-cta-collection bux-cta-collection--standard-icons">
<a class="bux-cta-collection__link" href="#">
<img class="standard-icon" src="/img/location" alt="" />
Ipsum Dolar
<a class="bux-cta-collection__link" href="#">
<img class="standard-icon" src="/img/location" alt="" />
<a class="bux-cta-collection__link" href="#">
<img class="standard-icon" src="/img/location" alt="" />
Curabitur libero
<a class="bux-cta-collection__link" href="#">
<img class="standard-icon" src="/img/location" alt="" />
Nulla rutrum nulla

With Grey Background#

<div class="bux-cta-collection bux-cta-collection--gray">
<a class="bux-cta-collection__link" href=#>
Ipsum Dolar
<a class="bux-cta-collection__link" href=#>
<a class="bux-cta-collection__link" href=#>
Curabitur libero
<a class="bux-cta-collection__link" href=#>
Nulla rutrum nulla



  • Use occasionally; limit to one per page
  • Use near the top of the page, ideally on a Landing page layout, following a Hero Image, Featured Card or other visual component
  • Use 2-5 CTAs, staying within a single line
  • Keep text action-oriented and concise
  • Use Icons if they are relevant and meaningful
  • Use the default (white background) variant if other components on the page have visual emphasis
  • Use the gray background variant if other components on the page lack visual emphasis


  • Don’t use a CTA Collection more than once per page
  • Don’t overuse this component for links; rely on other components
  • Don’t include Icons if they are irrelevant to the text

Implementation Notes#

  • Recommended quantity of CTAs is 2-5, staying within a single line, not breaking to two lines
  • In mobile they will stack individually on top of each other


  • Make sure people understand the purpose of each of the links
  • Ensure that icons’ empty alt attribute (alt="") is not removed and that it remains empty. This hides the icons from assistive technology and is desirable because their meaning should be redundant to the text in the link.