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Component Status

Each component will go through phases in its lifecycle. Component statuses are listed below.

Status Descriptions

ReadyThis component is ready to use in production.
BetaThis component is fairly stable and is undergoing its final design and accessibility reviews. Minor changes could happen as a result of these reviews.
AlphaUse with caution. This component is still under development.

Current component statuses

AccordionAn Accordion groups content into sections and can be expanded and collapsed by the user.
Component status:Ready
AlertsAn Alert displays brief, important and potentially time-sensitive information to users.
Component status:Ready
Back to TopA shortcut button that helps users quickly navigate back to the top of long pages of content.
Component status:Ready
BreadcrumbShows the user’s current location in a page hierarchy and allows them to navigate back through them.
Component status:Ready
BreakpointsStandardized values for media queries.
Component status:Ready
Buckeye AlertA component for Buckeye Alert emergency messages. This will only be visible when there is an active alert message.
Component status:Ready
ButtonsA Button highlights the action a user can take.
Component status:Ready
CardA Card displays content and an action about a single subject.
Component status:Ready
ContainerA wrapper element to provide consistent horizontal alignment across regions on a page.
Component status:Ready
CTA CollectionDisplays two or more calls-to-action that appear in a row
Component status:Ready
FactoidA Factoid highlights a compelling, but brief numerical fact.
Component status:Ready
FaviconShort for “favorite icon”, a Favicon is a small branded icon that appears in a browser tab.
Component status:Ready
Featured CardWith high visual emphasis, a Featured Card displays content and an action about a single subject.
Component status:Ready
FontsOur brand fonts, Buckeye Serif 2 and Buckeye Sans 2, are available as web fonts and built directly into BUX.
Component status:Ready
FormsForms are used for used for collecting user input and use a variety of form elements.
Component status:Ready
GridA 12-column responsive grid with support for automatic-width and ratio-based columns.
Component status:Ready
HeadingsHeadings represent the key concepts, ideas and supporting ideas in the content of a webpage.
Component status:Ready
HeroWith high visual emphasis, a Hero displays content and an action about a single subject.
Component status:Ready
Horizontal RuleA Horizontal Rule serves as a visual separator for content.
Component status:Ready
ImageImage aspect ratio guidelines help preserve the image composition that the photographer organized when shooting the photo.
Component status:Ready
LinkLinks connect a user to a different page or further information.
Component status:Ready
Link ListA Link List organizes a scannable list of links with optional descriptions.
Component status:Ready
ListA List vertically organizes related content.
Component status:Ready
ListicleListicle displays a list within a news article or story in a scannable format.
Component status:Ready
MenuA menu helps the user navigate to main sections of the website.
Component status:Ready
Menu with SearchAn alternative version of the menu that includes site search.
Component status:Ready
OSU NavbarOSU navbar is a common element among all Ohio State websites.
Component status:Ready
PaginationPagination is used to navigate from page to page in paginated content, with a control for navigating to the next or previous page.
Component status:Ready
PanelA Panel provides a light gray background, adding visual emphasis to a group of components.
Component status:Ready
Primary ColorsOur primary palette consists of scarlet (red), gray and white.
Component status:Ready
Question + AnswerQuestion and Answer is a series of interview questions and answers within a news article or story in a scannable format.
Component status:Ready
QuoteA Quote displays an impactful quotation from a person, like students, alumni, faculty or another source.
Component status:Ready
Sidebar NavigationSidebar Navigation compliments a Menu by displaying “sub-content” vertically on the left side of a webpage.
Component status:Ready
Site FooterThe Site Footer contains contact, privacy, accessibility, copyright information and social media links relevant to the website.
Component status:Ready
Site HeaderThe Site Header contains the college or unit’s identity, along with optional elements.
Component status:Ready
Skip NavigationThe Skip Navigation component is added to the top of pages to allow keyboard and assistive technology users to jump to the main content in the page.
Component status:Ready
Social Media LinksA collection of links to social media accounts.
Component status:Ready
SpacingA set of global spacing values that can be applied via utility classes or as Sass Variables.
Component status:Ready
TableA table is used to display tabular data in rows and columns.
Component status:Ready
TabsTabs organize related content, allowing the user to switch between groups of content on the same page.
Component status:Ready
TileA Tile groups an either an icon or image with tile text into a single clickable component.
Component status:Ready
TimelineA Timeline displays a series of milestones with descriptions in chronological order.
Component status:Ready
Type SizeA set of global type size values that can be applied via utility classes or as Sass Variables.
Component status:Ready
UI IconsUI icons are used to guide actions within websites or apps, while standard icons are used to visually convey a concept.
Component status:Ready
Utility ColorsUtility colors are only to be used to indicate a status to the user, such as an Alert or the hover state of a visited inline link.
Component status:Ready
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